Saturday, April 14, 2012

Holding You

Today, at the zoo, my littlest fell and busted her chin. She was so brave, so strong, in spite of the blood, the pain, the time it took to take her to the ER.
We finally made it, finally into an exam room. My littlest, sitting upon that bed, she looked so small, my baby. She had courage.
 With her eyes filled with tears..."Momma, am I going to be ok? Will it hurt?" My calm, fighting tears response, "Yes, most likely...but I am here, right beside you, holding you."
 I prayed for a steady hand of the PA, a brave heart for my littlest. God is good.
 As we made our journey home, I thought of how God responds to us in the ER moments of life. "Abba, Will I be Ok? Will it hurt?" His loving response, "Yes, most likely, but I am right here holding you." God is good.

(Originally posted on Facebook April 12, 2012)

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