Saturday, April 14, 2012

Dandelion Dust

Today, when I was on a walk, I was noticing that the yards and pastures were hosting an invasion of dandelions. I was pondering on how this pesky little weed over takes the beauty of the lawns and chokes out the good in the grass, then my thoughts went to my littlest.
 She recently came to me with a "prize" her eyes she had presented me with the most beautiful bouquet of flowers, and it was. She saw beauty, a golden yellow creation, mixed with a miracle of dandelion dust...when "wished" upon, and the seeds wisp away, hope ignites.
 I placed them in a small mason jar, gave them water, and they took center stage in my kitchen.

As I walked further, I thought how much we are like the dandelion. Our nature is to be this pesky, rogue weed...sucking the life out of good, over taking the beauty of where we sprout.
However, Christ sees us differently, He sees us as a beautiful creation...a golden radiant flower.
 Like the dandelion, when we die, die to our selves, and allow the breath of heaven to sweep over us, hope ignites. The dust is spread about, planting, taking root and more dandelions will grow and flourish and the cycle keeps spinning.
 And one day, one miraculous day, Jesus will gather us up, and present His Father with a beautiful, glorious bouquet of wild flowers.

So, the story of my blogs name....Dandelion Dust.

(Originally posted on Facebook April 11, 2012)

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