Saturday, April 14, 2012

Friends are Flowers

Friendships & flowers are on my heart today. The thought came to me how very similar they are.
Take for instance the situation flowers. These are the ones that are given on occasions of need. They are there for a very short time, for a very important reason. They bring comfort, joy, encouragement. As quickly as they came, they are gone. Yet, we never forget.

Then we have our annuals. These beautiful flowers are planted for a season to bring color, joy, happiness. Then as the seasons change, they slowly fade, their purpose is met. Their beauty is etched on our heart.

 Lastly, the perennial. These amazing flora bloom every year. In spite of weather, seasons, circumstance, this faithful plant continues to put forth buds and grows and flourishes.
Thanking God today for ALL my floral friendships.

(Originally posted on Facebook April 12, 2012)

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