Tuesday, April 24, 2012

That Just Stinks!

It all began on a typical week night. The girls getting their baths, I cleaning the kitchen...when out of the bathroom arose such a clatter..."MOOOOOOMMAAAA!!!! There is something nasty coming up out of the drain!!!" Inhaling my next breath, panic from a different bath...."MOOOOOMMM, the tub won't drain!!!"

Dear Lord, (this is a true prayer) please no...please, not what I think it is. We have experienced this before at our old house...not fun!
I run into the lavatory......No, No, NOOOOO!!!! Yep.
Oh yes, the septic had backed up all over my bathroom. I run to check the others.
No...no! Of course it is.
The girls loo and the half bath...a covering of waste water all over the floors. I grab every towel in the house and a plunger. I plunge and push, but it seems to be worsening. I turn the water off at the base...plunge, push...no good! 
I call the man (my husband) he is rushing home.
He arrives, my knight, I can breath...well sort of.

The surface work of plunging isn't working...we have to go to the source of the problem. We have to move into the depths. Oh no, no, no, no, no...I grab my rubber boots and gloves.
The man and I are out at the septic tank, in hand a thick wire coil. He asks me to remove the lid. No, it'll stink, it'll smell, I'll gag. I removed it. Horrendous does not describe the smell...that is all I can say.
He begins to uncoil this thick metal wire and proceeds to the tank.
(Did I mention it is now dark, we have on head lamps? Yes, we were a pair.)
 I take a lid off another tank to help check for a release of whatever is clogging the flow. Nasty!

The excavation began, after several minutes have passed, the man pin points the problem. Then in a moments notice...WHAM! The stench, odor, wastes, grime, muck, filth, comes rushing through the drains. The problem has finally been released. The issue is solved.
We have had a few problems with clogged toilets, prior to this one. We plunged, push and the commodes would work as usual and we'd go about our day. However, this night was a different story. We were made to get to the source, we had to go to the depths.

I know I am much like that. I have sin in my life I push to the side here, plunged at bit there...life flows and works a tad better. I can get by without all that yuck work. Why do I want to get uncomfortable over this little sin? Why do I need to work through the grime and muck? Why would I put myself through the stench of exposing my sins? It's easier to just plunge a little, to deal with the surface problem and go about my day...no mess...no fuss.

However, this way is temporal. Eventually our sins will over flow and cover it's filth and grime over all that is in our life, and everyone in it. Let us not wait until we are made to excavate.
Let's not procrastinate. We need to go into the depths of our heart now, release what is clogging our soul, we must do the dirty work and dig deep to release our sin over to God, give it to Him...then and only then will clean, pure water flow.

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."  Psalm 51:10


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