Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Grace for Today

Yesterday, one of THOSE days. You know the ones, too much to do, too many things, not enough you.
I slept in, why do I do that, I know better.
The girls slept in, why do I do that, I know better.
Breakfast- check
Chores- check
School- kind of a check because it always gets interrupted.
Laundry- load 1 of 6- check
Bills- yuck- check
So on and so forth....
In between, phone calls to be made, emails to be checked, tidy up here, pick up there, wipe off this, scrub up that.
Kiss a booboo, right a wrong, scrub the dishes, rotate the laundry, feed the hungry (the girls), explain an equation, and proper use of an apostrophe.
WAIT!!!!! Why is the sun going down? What time is it? Where has this day gone?
Did I see my girls today? Did I SEE my girls today?
Did I REALLY look at her drawing? Did I TRULY listen to her story? Did my eyes gaze into hers when she was hurt? Did I hug, kiss, cherish my girls today? I spent my day devoted to check lists, domestic duties and tedious tasks.
Father, forgive me....you in trusted these amazing girls to me. I have wasted this day of opportunities. I have thrown away moments of  meaning.
I tuck the girls in, heavy hearted.
Thank you God, for your grace of today.
Thank you Abba, for your  mercies of tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Your honesty strikes a chord in me EVERY time! So thankful for His grace that gets us through each day and for the "do-overs" He alone can give us!!
