Monday, April 30, 2012

Pre-K Life Lesson

 I have much to learn about life from my preschoolers...

The coveted glitter crayons are meant to be shared.

Play-doh is superb when it is swirled.

Coloring in the lines is overrated.

Shoes are optional.

Snacks are not!

Random responses to questions are educational.

When a friend laughs, laugh along.
Singing loudly is delightful, more so when playing instruments, even louder.

Being last in line is awesome, because you get to turn off the lights.
Being first, you end up last, because you get to hold the doors.

Skipping is not optional, it is essential.
Holding hands with your best pal makes a long walk lovely.

A hug makes everything better.
And  most importantly.....
"My God is so BIG, so strong and so mighty there's nothing my God cannot do!"

Thanking God for my pre-k Sunday school class and ALL I have to learn from them.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Something to Think About

Today was hedge trimming day. All hands on deck, well all except mine, I was taking care of the inside of the house. The man was in the yard with all the girls. Trimmers, rakes, brooms, lawn bags, all have made their seasonal debut from the garage to the front yard. 
The shrubbery was ruthless, uncontrolled. I'm sure the man said to himself, "I should have been tackling these beasts all year." They really were out of hand. Windows were hidden, other foliage unseen, wandering vines, some shrubs no longer were producing and needed to be replaced.

A trim here, a prune there. Rake it up, bag it up...haul it off.

Step back. Analyse. Observe. Another trim here, another prune there...the process went on ALL day.

While in the midst of my domestic duties, I received a call from a friend. We chatted about life, love and liberty, and our conversation went to thoughts. How our thoughts, ideas, perception can become unruly, out of hand, to the point that we have lost control. We said our goodbyes.
 I stepped outside to check on my hard working crew.
Revelation! Thoughts are like these hedges! My family was outwardly displaying what we need to be inwardly practicing. We have got to keep our mind pruned and trimmed. Rake up unrighteous ideas and unlovely notions, capture it and get rid of them.

"and if your eye (or thoughts) causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away..."
(parenthesis mine)
Matthew 18:9

The process and labor will need repeating for these wandering thoughts do run amuck...step back, speak truth, be still, pray. Just like the shrubbery, our thoughts need to be maintained or they may develop into a lawless mess.
"....and we take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ."
2 Corinthians 10:5
When we let our ideas and speculations grow at will, they can block our window to the truth, they can hide the beauty of what God truly intended for us. Our precepts may not be producing fruits and they must be replaced with His word.

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things."
Philippians 4:8

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Leadeth Me!

When I am exhausted as a momma. When I question my ability of training these incredible girls. When I think I am letting Him down with the gift of mothering...I remember this:

"He tends His flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young." Isaiah 40:11 

I have human moments, emotions. He is holding my girls close to His heart.
I will falter and stumble. He is gently leading me.
What a beautiful picture of His love and grace for motherhood.

He leadeth me! O blessed thought,
O words with heavn'ly comfort fraught;
Whate'er I do, where'er I be,
Still 'tis Christ's hand He leadeth me.
He leadeth me! He leadeth me!
By His own hand He leadeth me;
His faithful follower I would be,
For by His hand He leadeth me.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

That Just Stinks!

It all began on a typical week night. The girls getting their baths, I cleaning the kitchen...when out of the bathroom arose such a clatter..."MOOOOOOMMAAAA!!!! There is something nasty coming up out of the drain!!!" Inhaling my next breath, panic from a different bath...."MOOOOOMMM, the tub won't drain!!!"

Dear Lord, (this is a true prayer) please no...please, not what I think it is. We have experienced this before at our old house...not fun!
I run into the lavatory......No, No, NOOOOO!!!! Yep.
Oh yes, the septic had backed up all over my bathroom. I run to check the others.! Of course it is.
The girls loo and the half bath...a covering of waste water all over the floors. I grab every towel in the house and a plunger. I plunge and push, but it seems to be worsening. I turn the water off at the base...plunge, good! 
I call the man (my husband) he is rushing home.
He arrives, my knight, I can breath...well sort of.

The surface work of plunging isn't working...we have to go to the source of the problem. We have to move into the depths. Oh no, no, no, no, no...I grab my rubber boots and gloves.
The man and I are out at the septic tank, in hand a thick wire coil. He asks me to remove the lid. No, it'll stink, it'll smell, I'll gag. I removed it. Horrendous does not describe the smell...that is all I can say.
He begins to uncoil this thick metal wire and proceeds to the tank.
(Did I mention it is now dark, we have on head lamps? Yes, we were a pair.)
 I take a lid off another tank to help check for a release of whatever is clogging the flow. Nasty!

The excavation began, after several minutes have passed, the man pin points the problem. Then in a moments notice...WHAM! The stench, odor, wastes, grime, muck, filth, comes rushing through the drains. The problem has finally been released. The issue is solved.
We have had a few problems with clogged toilets, prior to this one. We plunged, push and the commodes would work as usual and we'd go about our day. However, this night was a different story. We were made to get to the source, we had to go to the depths.

I know I am much like that. I have sin in my life I push to the side here, plunged at bit flows and works a tad better. I can get by without all that yuck work. Why do I want to get uncomfortable over this little sin? Why do I need to work through the grime and muck? Why would I put myself through the stench of exposing my sins? It's easier to just plunge a little, to deal with the surface problem and go about my fuss.

However, this way is temporal. Eventually our sins will over flow and cover it's filth and grime over all that is in our life, and everyone in it. Let us not wait until we are made to excavate.
Let's not procrastinate. We need to go into the depths of our heart now, release what is clogging our soul, we must do the dirty work and dig deep to release our sin over to God, give it to Him...then and only then will clean, pure water flow.

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."  Psalm 51:10


Monday, April 23, 2012

Look Alikes

I so enjoy living in an area near a horse farm. I appreciate horses, I do. Many things about them fascinate me... their physique, their smell, their beauty, their confidence. They are one of God's amazing gifts to man.
One day, the girls and I noticed that the farm had mares separate, grazing among the green. And then...oh then, we see them, the foals. What a precious sight to behold! Each mother horse, with her look alike standing side by side. The foals shadowing the mother, with each step, each nibble of grass...momma moves, baby moves. Then, with a burst of courage the colts would skip away, frolic off.  I sat in awe. I so enjoy horses.
Suddenly a thought came to me, I knew which colt belonged to which mare. They were no longer paired, but I knew. They were strikingly similar to their parent, the markings, the coloring, the characteristics...however, they were different in their own way, and yet the young exhibited the mares image.
As a believer, I need to be like the foal...
"And as we have borne the image of the earthly, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly."
1 Corinthians 15:49

As a Christian, do I show similarities of my heavenly Father? Can others look at me and know I belong to Him? Do I hold a resemblance of my Creator? Is His character visible in me?  Do I display His image?

My prayer is to be as the foal...a look alike.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Morning Glory

Morning Glories, oh how I appreciate this little bloom. How she awakens the dawn, with enthusiasm, as she absorbs the sun upon her leaves. She welcomes the day so gently with her delicate petals, opened to receive. Her beauty radiates as she tenderly intertwines with life around her. This humble flora yields to her maker, bending, climbing. This is why she is created, this is in her design. To show His glory in the mornings, this is her purpose. I could learn from her.
How I should greet the day as His radiance can be seen from me.

Yet, before He can gleam through me...I must glean from Him.

I must welcome my day humbly on bended knee, preparing my heart, with thanksgiving and praise. I must, with hope, be in the word, gleaning, consuming, meeting with my Maker. I must eagerly absorb the truths of the Son and gladly open my heart to receive. This is why I was designed, why I was created. So that His beauty can radiate in me, through me, while I gently mingle about life. So that in all I say and do, while I climb this mountain, it will bring Him glory.

Morning Glory.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Life Choices from the Cereal Aisle?

The grocery store, the love-hate relationship I have with  the grocery store. Wasn't I just here?!
It's a duty, a domestic duty, an "ugly beautiful" as Ann Voskamp would say. Yes, I have quoted her before. I am inspired by her writings. She is gifted.

Here I go, up and down the aisles, in and out of other shoppers.
(Yes, I took this picture. Yes, I got strange looks.)

The cereal aisle...cereal, it's my go to, hurried morning, get something in the gut, staple.
The cereal aisle....I can't believe how many choices there are. No wonder there is an entire section of the store dedicated to this item.

This lead my thoughts to my walk with the Lord. I know, cereal and God...really?
Well, if you know me at all, you know my thought process tends to trail to the spirit world.

The cereal aisle...isn't life much like this. I have so many choices.
I can choose the "junk" cereal. It is conveniently placed in the center, easy to grab, cheap. It has no nutritional value (it says it does, but we know the truth). An awesome prize inside...yay! I gobble it up, but I am left feeling empty and wanting more, and the prize, overrated.

I can make a "better" decision, and get one a bit more healthy. It's easily accessible, a tad more expensive, not as tasty, kind of boring. It's ok for me, so they say, vitamins, minerals. A quick and easy way to wellness. After implementing this into my daily routine, I'm not satisfied, I see no true change of health.

The best's on the top shelf. I have to stretch (I'm 5'5) I have to inconvenience myself. This choice is loaded with nutrients, minerals, everything I need. It's pricey, it does cost quite a bit more than the others. However, it is wholesome and organic. At first, it seems bland, nothing fancy, no frills, no instant prizes. After awhile, after making a cognitive choice of consuming what is best...
I see change, I see health, I see a difference. I feel better than ever. I crave the nutrients. I yearn for what is wholesome and pure.

My walk with God is much like this. The world offers this colorful package of fun, luring me with all it's sirens of hype and "happiness". It's easy and convenient. The world never asks for me to sacrifice. At times, it will even disguise itself as good and right, and you can achieve health and wealth with not much effort. It seems fine. So many people are living this way, consuming these things, they seem fine.

However, the best thing for to sacrifice. To make a choice that may go against everything my flesh wants, go against everything the world says is "good"...quick, easy, comfortable, tasty, cheap, no effort....and go for what is best, what God says is best.

After some time, I crave what is best, I yearn for time with Him, to consume His word. My life wants what is wholesome and nurtures my soul. The other, the world, at times may be tempting...but I remember. I remember serving Him, sacrificing for Him, loving Him, abiding in Him...that is a lasting satisfaction, joy and peace... you'll never leave empty.

Joshua 24:15..."Choose this day whom you will serve....but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

....and cereal.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Let's Get Ready to Rumble!!!!

One of my biggest fears is being hurt, thrown off guard, caught by surprise. I do not like feeling vulnerable, weak, or unprepared. It's the beast of control that lives with in me. Control is pride, selfishness...not trusting God, not believing Him, thinking.."I've got this."
I don't like her... Kruella.
Kruella normally shows up in the most pressing (stretching) times. Rushing out the door for church or event. Preparing a new recipe and noses are turned up. Clothes shopping for the little ladies. Teaching a new concept and it's not received quickly. She is snappy, sharped tongue, loud, bossy...cruel.
I don't like her...but I have to live with her. She is my thorn.

Paul mentions the thorn from Satan, 2 Corinthians 12:7.
He also tells the antidote for this thorn, "My (God's) grace is sufficient for you, my (God's) power is made perfect in weakness." (vrs 9)
My weakness...what I thought was making me strong, having power, in control... was actually making me what I feared....vulnerable, weak, out of control.
What I thought I was protecting myself against, was making me unguarded, unshielded.

Placing my trust, my whole heart, my thoughts, my fears, my preconceived ideas....placing them in His mighty hands, giving it ALL, all my weakness to Him. Trusting Him, Faith in Him, Hope in Him...knowing, believing that His ways are much better than mine. Through Him, I become strong.
Kruella....let's rumble.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Grace for Today

Yesterday, one of THOSE days. You know the ones, too much to do, too many things, not enough you.
I slept in, why do I do that, I know better.
The girls slept in, why do I do that, I know better.
Breakfast- check
Chores- check
School- kind of a check because it always gets interrupted.
Laundry- load 1 of 6- check
Bills- yuck- check
So on and so forth....
In between, phone calls to be made, emails to be checked, tidy up here, pick up there, wipe off this, scrub up that.
Kiss a booboo, right a wrong, scrub the dishes, rotate the laundry, feed the hungry (the girls), explain an equation, and proper use of an apostrophe.
WAIT!!!!! Why is the sun going down? What time is it? Where has this day gone?
Did I see my girls today? Did I SEE my girls today?
Did I REALLY look at her drawing? Did I TRULY listen to her story? Did my eyes gaze into hers when she was hurt? Did I hug, kiss, cherish my girls today? I spent my day devoted to check lists, domestic duties and tedious tasks.
Father, forgive in trusted these amazing girls to me. I have wasted this day of opportunities. I have thrown away moments of  meaning.
I tuck the girls in, heavy hearted.
Thank you God, for your grace of today.
Thank you Abba, for your  mercies of tomorrow.

Monday, April 16, 2012

It Is Good

I teach 3 and 4 year olds for Sunday School. How precious they are, full of questions and analogies, they bless my heart. Yesterday, we discussed creation. How God spoke and the earth and all it's inhabitants were created...with words. What mighty words...I'm in awe. Yet, when He made man, He formed us. He so gently, with hands formed us.
 My thoughts went to the first moment in which I held my girls. Newborns, so precious, so pure. I gently held them, caressed them, looked over each finger, each toe. I was in awe of their eyelashes. I ran my finger over the arch of their lips. We are bonding, forming a relationship. Watching as their little lungs filled and emptied, rise and fall. Fall, yes, they will fall. They will break my heart, they will disobey, they will look at me with rebellious glares, they will turn from me. Yet, I hold them, love them, cherish them. They are good. 
God, on the sixth day, molded man. He held him ever so gently, caressing, sculpting, forming. He cherished him. He ran fingers to form the arch of his lips, wisp eyelashes, smoothed fingers and toes. He was forming a relationship a bond. Then God breathed, He breathed life into man's and out, up and down, rise and fall.  Fall...God knew. He lovingly created man knowing, it was His way. He knew that man would break His heart. Man would look at Him with rebellious glares. Turn on Him, deny Him, disobey. Yet, He did it. He loves us, He cherishes us, He cares for us, He holds us..and He said it is good.

Cleaning Day

Today is cleaning day, not that we have a designated cleaning day, it's the way it has to be today. We've been out & about everyday this past week (Yes, I "home" school) & my house has been neglected & it is in dire need of attention.
 As I was gathering the laundry, which happens to be my girls job, however as author Ann Voskamp once said, "Don't inspect much, you can't expect much.", to what did my wandering eye did appear...OH MY!!!! Really? Was this MY Girl's room? Surely not. Haven't we talked about picking up and putting way? Didn't we discuss taking care of what is given to us? What about our standard of cleanliness? Did they forget I loathe clutter & messes?
Then that voice, you know the one, the one we tend to wave off, the one that we roll our internal eyes at. My spirit...he said, "What about your heart? Haven't we talked about you picking up the Word & putting it away where it should go? Didn't we discuss you being faithful for what is given to you? What about MY standard of cleanliness of your mind? Did you forget I hate a cluttered heart?"
 Well, today we are still cleaning, but I'll be focusing a lot more on the internal filth & mess, rather than the outer. :)

(Originally posted to Facebook April 14, 2012)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Friends are Flowers

Friendships & flowers are on my heart today. The thought came to me how very similar they are.
Take for instance the situation flowers. These are the ones that are given on occasions of need. They are there for a very short time, for a very important reason. They bring comfort, joy, encouragement. As quickly as they came, they are gone. Yet, we never forget.

Then we have our annuals. These beautiful flowers are planted for a season to bring color, joy, happiness. Then as the seasons change, they slowly fade, their purpose is met. Their beauty is etched on our heart.

 Lastly, the perennial. These amazing flora bloom every year. In spite of weather, seasons, circumstance, this faithful plant continues to put forth buds and grows and flourishes.
Thanking God today for ALL my floral friendships.

(Originally posted on Facebook April 12, 2012)

Holding You

Today, at the zoo, my littlest fell and busted her chin. She was so brave, so strong, in spite of the blood, the pain, the time it took to take her to the ER.
We finally made it, finally into an exam room. My littlest, sitting upon that bed, she looked so small, my baby. She had courage.
 With her eyes filled with tears..."Momma, am I going to be ok? Will it hurt?" My calm, fighting tears response, "Yes, most likely...but I am here, right beside you, holding you."
 I prayed for a steady hand of the PA, a brave heart for my littlest. God is good.
 As we made our journey home, I thought of how God responds to us in the ER moments of life. "Abba, Will I be Ok? Will it hurt?" His loving response, "Yes, most likely, but I am right here holding you." God is good.

(Originally posted on Facebook April 12, 2012)

Dandelion Dust

Today, when I was on a walk, I was noticing that the yards and pastures were hosting an invasion of dandelions. I was pondering on how this pesky little weed over takes the beauty of the lawns and chokes out the good in the grass, then my thoughts went to my littlest.
 She recently came to me with a "prize" her eyes she had presented me with the most beautiful bouquet of flowers, and it was. She saw beauty, a golden yellow creation, mixed with a miracle of dandelion dust...when "wished" upon, and the seeds wisp away, hope ignites.
 I placed them in a small mason jar, gave them water, and they took center stage in my kitchen.

As I walked further, I thought how much we are like the dandelion. Our nature is to be this pesky, rogue weed...sucking the life out of good, over taking the beauty of where we sprout.
However, Christ sees us differently, He sees us as a beautiful creation...a golden radiant flower.
 Like the dandelion, when we die, die to our selves, and allow the breath of heaven to sweep over us, hope ignites. The dust is spread about, planting, taking root and more dandelions will grow and flourish and the cycle keeps spinning.
 And one day, one miraculous day, Jesus will gather us up, and present His Father with a beautiful, glorious bouquet of wild flowers.

So, the story of my blogs name....Dandelion Dust.

(Originally posted on Facebook April 11, 2012)